If YOU are ready to take your business to the NEXT LEVEL keep reading because you have come to the right place!
Watch Video Below NOW!

Hal Coleman and Mike Stewart present: The 5th Annual…
“How To Put YOUR Business On The Fast Growth Track and Keep It Growing…
Even When The Economy Tanks!”
NOTE: Sign up now to insure you have a seat! (See below)
(See testimonials from past attendees at the bottom of this page)
Hal Coleman is considered to be the number one pest control marketing coach on the planet. Not only has he been active in the pest control industry for over 46 years, but he actually grew his own pest control business from a one-man-with-a-spray operation into a successful million dollar business. He has also spent years studying sales psychology, neuroscience and cutting edge buyer behavior and how they can be used specifically in the pest control industry and other small businesses to generate more sales, more referrals and more new customers. He is the author of 6 books on marketing and selling, including his latest, “Bottom Line: How To Grow A Pest Control Business!” (Hal’s coaching clients average 25-45% annual growth, with some much higher!)
Mike Stewart is one of the original pioneers of marketing small businesses on the internet using audio and video. He has developed internet marketing strategies for PCOs and other small businesses using YOUTUBE and FACEBOOK and other social media that are incredibly simple, easy to implement, and PROVEN to get you more new customers and more business from the internet. He has worked with many pest control companies across America!
And now they have put together what will be the most Powerful, Compelling, Outrageous…and PROFITABLE… one day marketing event you’ve ever attended!
FACT: If your business grows at a rate of 42 percent each year…it will DOULBE EVERY 2 YEARS!
(Read the testimonials below)
(Be sure to read testimonials at the bottom of this page!)
BIG BONUS!!: All attendees will automatically receive the entire replay of 2019, 2020 (live 2-day events) and last year’s one-day virtual event! (1097.00 VALUE)
Please read the following questions and answer them honestly.
- Would you like for your phone to be ringing more often?
- Would you like to be getting a lot more business from your website?
- Would you like to know how to get more walk-up business from your vehicle?
- Would you like to know why some people choose to do business with your competitors instead of you?
- Would you like to know how to say exactly the right things to people that cause them to automatically choose YOU to do business with?
- Would you like to know how to get your current customers to refer you a lot more often?
If you answered YES to even one of the above questions, you need to keep reading because you are about to find out exactly how you can make those things happen!
In this one day you will discover…
- How to get more new customers from your website!
- How to get more new customers from your vehicles!
- How to get more new customers from your sales presentations!
- How to get more referrals from your current customers!
- You will see exactly where and WHY you are LOSING BUSINESS right now that you aren’t even aware of… and what you can do to stop the leaks and plug the holes!
You will also learn..
- WHY customers BUY!
- How to get prospects to say YES to you over and over again!
- How to know who the real decision maker is (it’s definitely not who you think)!
- How to get a conditional commitment from someone in 30 seconds or less!
- How to easily PROVE to someone that YOU are the person they should choose to do business with!
- How to qualify a person as a good prospect in a way that makes them feel safe and secure!
- How to make it easy for people to buy from YOU!
- How to give your prospects a high level of comfort in making the decision to do business with YOU!
- What to say when someone says, “I’ll think about it”!
- The number one way to deal with an objection!
PLUS…a whole lot more!
If it sounds like a lot of information for one day…you bet it is. It is an entire day of Hal Coleman, Mike Stewart running wide open wide open (yes, there will be a short breaks) . They are going to share the absolute best of what they have. No holding back. You are going to come away with a “brainload” of great, helpful tips, strategies and techniques to help you grow your business!
Who should attend?
If you…
- Are not satisfied with the current growth of your business and you are looking for a better way to double, triple, or quadruple your growth
- Want to make more money this next year
- Don’t mind working hard to get what you want
- Are open to new ideas
- Realize the value of this opportunity
- Love to learn
- Are coachable
Then you definitely don’t want to miss this event.
Who should NOT attend?
If you…
- Are not serious about growing your business
- Don’t want any more new customers
- You are stubborn and set in your ways and refuse change
- Already know everything there is to know
- You are hopelessly negative
- Are Rosie O’Donnell, Tom Cruise or Charlie Sheen
Then you definitely should NOT attend this event.
When: This event was recorded on Saturday, Feb. 26th, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm ET. You will have access to all of the recordings when you order.
Where: On your computer screen. You will receive instructions for lifetime access to the recordings!
Cost: ONLY $97.00!
BIG BONUS!!: All attendees will automatically receive the entire replay of 2019 & 2020, and 2021 live day events ($1097.00 VALUE!)
You get it all for ONLY $97!
For more information you can call Hal at 770-993-0004 or email mailto:Hal@HalColeman.com or Mike Stewart, 770-826-3662 or email AudioGuySoundpages@gmail.com.
(Read the testimonials below)
(Be sure to read testimonials at the bottom of this page!)
Read the comments below and hear what PCOs and other small business owners say about The Next Level PCO Marketing Workshop:
“After going to Hal Coleman and Mike Stewart marketing seminar in Atlanta Georgia two words come to mind…LIFE CHANGING! If you are a pest control business, or small business what they taught this weekend no one else is teaching.
If you have ever spent money on an ad in the paper door knockers direct mail SEO websites TV radio or any other type of advertising and thought to yourself why is this not working, Hal and Mike were able to show why and show what would work for a fraction of the cost of the tens and thousands of dollars that I’ve spent trying to get business to come in. Hal and Mike have been mentors of mine for some time now but they Totally outdid themselves with how fantastic this seminar was. I will say it again this was a life-changing event for a this PCO and for every other person that attended. I only hope that you will have the opportunity to learn from Hal and Mike!”
Coby McConnell, Coby’s Tentless Termite and Pest Control, Clearwater, Fla., 727-458-7900
“I have been a student of Hal Coleman & Mike Stewart for approximately 15 years, as well as in Hal’s coaching program continuously for almost 3 years. I tell you that to let you know that I pretty much have unlimited access to Hal and his advice. Attendance at this seminar should be mandatory for anyone in the pest control industry. The information provided by Hal & Mike been priceless!”
Fred Talley, Faith Pest Control, Jasper, Ga. 770-823-9202
“This weekend was filled with so many Aha moments, I actually
contemplated going home after the first day so my head would not
explode! Hal and Mike share so much value in a way that I could not only understand but use in my business right away! I have already used the information from the workshop and made a sale because of it. That one sale paid for the whole trip. All I can say is…SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!”
Dan Jourdan, “The Sales Energizer”, Roswell, Ga. 678-910-9912
“As a recent college graduate and someone new to the industry, this seminar was an amazing learning experience for me. On the other hand, I was surrounded by pest control business owners who were all just as engaged as I was. There is something new for people of every experience level to learn and take from the seminar. I have so many ideas to bring back to my boss!”
Michelle Frasher, Marketing Coordinator, Advanced Termite and Pest Control, 843-364-9499
“Hal and Mike are awesome. The Pest Control Marketer conference is very well done. I spent a ton of money in 2019 and did not get the results I was hoping for. I didn’t know why. This is the first time I got educated and inspired to grow my business. Everyone hopes for success but “don’t know what they don’t know.” I finally know and understand how to grow my business and not totally rely on SEO companies to decide my success. This conference is worth every penny. Not to mention the other company owners you will meet!”
Vernon Brown, Harpoon Pest Solutions, Landsdownde Pa. 215-588-2180
“Coming from the D2D side of PC, I was looking forward to meeting and learning from Hal and Mike, who both have a wonderful reputation in our industry. This PCO marketing workshop was incredibly valuable and will provide you an arsenal of practical knowledge. Hal and Mike both do an excellent job at explaining in detail how to engage your customers and earn more business. They keep the workshop entertaining yet focused and to the point. I am looking forward to implementing these concepts!”
Jessica Coia, Magic Pest Control, Gilbert, Arizona. 602-326-5824
“Great event, very informational and inspirational. I discovered a raft of things I have been missing…or just too lazy to do. When I get back home my initial goal is to double my business this year and I now have the tools to accomplish that and more!”
Mitch Feinglass, Max Home Inspections, Hollywood, Fla.
“I came up from Houston to attend the Next Level PCO Marketing Workshop and the information these guys have thought us is invaluable. Lots of great ideas that I will bring back to my business to help me grow. Looking forward to this year of coaching with Hal Coleman!”
John Santos, Pest Arrest, Houston, Tx. 281-374-7770
“For several years we have struggle to find honest advice about how to grow our pest control business. We’ve tried paying many companies that promised results if we paid for tier services. They promised that our phones would ring and our business would explode. After many years and spending thousands of dollars we have a business that continues to struggle. Listening to Hal & Mike’s podcast over the past year made us feel a connection with them. We trust Hal & Mike and felt comfortable taking the next step and traveling to attend their workshop in Atlanta. At the end of the first day my partner and myself both agreed that this has been the best business decision we’ve made in 5 years. For the first time in a long time we are excited about growing our business. Taking the next step and hiring Hal as our coach is a no-brainer. Hal & Mike really care about giving you the tools to succeed. Dan one along has been better than any book or training program I have ever purchased. Can’t wait to work closer together and learn more from these two guys!”
Quincy Jones, Harpoon Pest Solutions, Landsdowne, Pa. 215-588-2180
“I was interested in growing my business and I knew I needed better marketing results. This seminar delivered much more than what I was expecting. I was very excited to learn specific steps and methods about how to market my service and gain new customers. This is what I was looking for. Bet even more, the neuromarketing information that Hal covered was invaluable. Then, to match up all this with the technology marketing material that Mike presented put my satisfaction level at its highest. I’m so glad I made the investment to attend and I look forward to implementing all of what I’ve learned. I came out of this seminar with a list of tasks that I’m excited to work on. I’m confident what I learned at this seminar will help me meet and exceed my business goals!”
Rich Schroll, Owner, Garfield Pest Control, Wilbraham, MA. 603-424-7834
“You will get so much good strategy and technique to carry out that strategy. Hal & Mike do an outstanding job presenting material in the Next Level PCO Marketing Workshop. You will recover your investment in this class very quickly! I am very glad I took this class!
Michael Beran, President, Wildlife Command Center, St. Louis, MO
“The day and a half you will spend with Hal & Mike at the Next Level PCO Workshop has the potential to be the most valuable day and a half you will spend as a small business owner. The ideas and suggestions to improve your business from not only Hal & Mike, but also the other attendees will stick with you for month following. These are all great ides and It’s clear that consistent implementation will pay off in spades. Attending this workshop is an excellent decision. I’m happy I came!
Erica Celler, Faith Pest Control, Talking Rock, GA.
“I loved the Next Level PCO Marketing Workshop that Hal and Mike presented. They gave a lot of valuable and practical ideas that I will be able to implement to increase my business. The information was shared in a way that was understandable. The also took the time to explain how certain things work. I appreciate their “down to earth” approach. I would recommend this workshop to anyone wanting to grow their business!”
Jim Miller, Simpler Times Health, Chicago 630-290-2071
“I’ve been following Hal & Mike’s podcasts for the past year and have found them most enlightening. Whey my Director of Operations discovered the Next Level PCO Marketing Workshop, we both knew I had to attend. This was the workshop to attend!! The tips Hal & Mike provided on how to engage customers & become the PCO of choice in my region have me excite about the future of Struckum commercial Pest Services!”
Jaychelle Hanna, Director of HR & Marketing, Struckum Commercial Pest Services, Ltd. Nassau, Bahamas
“I attended Hal and Mike’s Next Level PCO Marketing Workshop in Atlanta, Ga. I found it to be very informative and entertaining. I can not wait to get home and apply some of the thing I learned to improve my business. Thank you!”
Bob Schafstall, Burt’s Termite and Pest Control, Columbus, IN.
“When I received and email from Mike Stewart announcing his and Hal Coleman’s Feb. 9-10 workshop in Atlanta, I knew I wanted to attend. It was a great decision! Hal taught us how to get into the minds of our prospects and clients to make ta buying decision easy for them. Mike taught us how to get attention from the search engines. Now I have to do the part that delivers results…implementation. Now I have the tools to do just that. I highly recommend the Next Level PCO Marketing Workshop!”
Harry James, President – James Financial Services, Inc. Virginia Beach, VA. 757-490-7700
“This seminar has helped connect a lot of dots for me. It has helped me see past the PCO itself and focus on the business. It was a lot of information in one day but every minute was invaluable. I would recommend this course to workshop to anyone who has a home service business!”
Tiffany Jenkins, Coyne Pest Control, Woodstock, GA.
“Since joining Hal’s coaching program my business has changed in many ways. I have learned to better manage my employees, better manage my marketing and better manage my business. Our growth goal for 2019 is 30%. And in January we het 21 %! (not bad for mid-winter). I am excited about our business and what lays ahead. Thanks for all your help and I look forward to working with you both for many years to come!”
Erik Gardner, Volunteer Rid A Pest, LLC, Cleveland/Chattanooga, TN.
“Hal Coleman is one of the great minds in marketing. We have worked with him many years. Hal has coaches us to be a more successful company. Mike is very knowledgeable of online marketing. He will tell you what is important and what is not. As a group, Hal and Mike are an unstoppable team!”
Paul Gardner, Volunteer Rid A Pest, Cleveland/Chattanooga, TN.
“I just want to thank Hal and Mike for putting on a great marketing workshop! The Next Level PCO Marketing Workshop was so informative, and I can’t wait to implement the things I’ve learned into our business!”
Brandon Foster, Burt’s Termite and Pest Control, Columbus, IN.
“As a freelance writer and marketing student, I took this class to broaden my knowledge of real-world marketing skills. I have NEVER encountered such a valuable resource of marketing strategies and tips that compares to Mike and Hal. Their decades of real-world experience are invaluable, and their class focused on what REALLY waters when it comes to marketing your small business! I highly recommend Mike and Hal’s class to anyone, student or business owner who is in need of insight and effective marketing techniques!”
Aaron McWhirter, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. 770-608-0184
“Hal and Mike’s class was the perfect crash course in achieving marketing synergy across every aspect of my business, both online AND offline! Their marketing techniques translate into what really maters to my business…my bottom line! Thanks again Hal and Mike. My business couldn’t be what it is without you!
Tim McWhirter, President of Canton Termite and Pest Control, 770-479-1598
“Mike and Hal’s seminar offers a massive amount of valuable content both for online and offline marketing. You’ll walk away with tangible strategies that work in our industry. This seminar is definitely worth your time and investment!”
Karen Kieffer, Pfitzer Pest Control, Mobridge, SD.
“I attended the Next Level PCO Marketing Workshop held by Hal Coleman and Mike Stewart in Atlanta. I had been struggling with how to increase and improve my presence on the internet and social media. THE FIRST 30 MINUTES WAS WORTH THE ENTIRE COST OF THE SEMINAR! So much information and how to build your business in today’s very competitive marketing environment!”
John Webster DC, Chiropractor, Roswell Health and Injury Center, Alpharetta, Ga.
“I’ve been a long-term customer of Mike Stewart for over 12 years and now Hal Coleman recently after the Next Level PCO Marketing Workshop. No silver bullet for easy pretend fancy cars, houses and beach holidays promised by these two great guys. They tell it how it is in the real world and, if you follow through and take action on what to do and how to do it, you will achieve the great results that others only promise but never deliver. l make the effort to learn from these two living legends who deliver real world wisdom and value with integrity!”
Wal Gifford, Business Marketing Solutions, Aukland, New Zealand
“My Office Manager and I signed up for Hal Coleman and Mike Stewart’s 2-day Next Level PCO Marketing seminar in Atlanta and it surely did not disappoint! These two gentlemen know their stuff! They have an amazing ability to deliver it in an entertaining and “boiled down” kind of way. It was great that they held the conference on the weekend. This allowed us, as small business owners, to step away and really focus on the content without disrupting business. I will not lie, at the end of the first day I felt like my head would explode with all the great information shared, but after reviewing the content received, there were simple, straight-forward steps that will help us “eat the marketing and internet elephant” one bite at a time! It was very evident that the clients in the room who have implemented their strategies were in a far superior place with their business marketing and success then others! They will give you all the tools you need to take your marketing and business to the next level. We will definitely be taking every advantage to work with them again and again and would suggest to other small and large business owners that they are well worth every penny spent!”
Michelle Coyne, Owner, Coyne Pest Control, Woodstock GA 678-232-8673
Listen…if you are frustrated, struggling or stuck and your business is not growing as fast as you would like for it to, then you need come to this workshop and learn. That is the FIRST STEP to get things moving for you.
We hope to see YOU there!
Hal & Mike